Friday, September 23, 2011

Couponing 101

When I first started couponing as a part of my daily life, I was extremely overwhelmed. I started and quickly decided to stop because I didn't really see where I was saving money. This lead me to believe that all the people who were doing it were just wasting their time and not reaping rewards of optimal savings. However, I have now discovered that it does work and I can save more money than I originally thought.

Basic Couponing principles:

1. Use coupons when items are on sale
2. Stock up on items that you frequently use
3. Be willing to go to more than one store for your purchases

To assist those of you who are new with this, I've come up with a  Daily Plan to ease you into couponing and explain somethings along the way.  The topics will start on Sunday please stayed tuned. I hope you enjoy and start saving Money!

Daily Topics
Organizing your coupons
Buying a Sunday paper
Coupon Websites
Magazines with coupons

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